教琴多年,用過坊間售賣的各種初學者教材,不同系列的書本。這些書本都是不錯的,自己小時候學琴時用的現在仍然有很多老師選用,市場上亦出現很多較新出版的書籍。但是有一個問題,很多歌曲太沉悶了! 導致小孩子們學琴時忍耐不住沉悶,總喜歡跳過很多曲,只練習自己喜歡的某幾首,其他的就不肯練習。
1. 小虎學鋼琴1 (實體書 $70 HKD)
2. 小虎學鋼琴2 (實體書 $70 HKD)
3. 小虎學鋼琴3 (實體書 $70 HKD)
這些是為初學者設計的鋼琴練習。 學生應按照這些歌曲的排列順序練習,從最簡單到最困難。 每首歌曲為特定的手指提供了很好的練習。 應牢記良好的姿勢,並應一首一首地練習這些歌曲,優美而緩慢,然後逐漸提高速度。 學生應遵循建議的指法。
這些是童謠,流行鋼琴曲,古典音樂或聖誕歌曲,對於沒有鋼琴經驗的兒童或成年初學者,都是很好的練習。練習不一定是很悶。 書中的每一首歌都有美麗的旋律,受到很多人的喜愛,雖然是一種練習,但演奏起來也很有趣。
小虎學鋼琴1-3 每首歌也有示範視頻可供購買。小虎學鋼琴1示範視頻是$30 HKD,小虎學鋼琴2示範視頻是$35 HKD,小虎學鋼琴3示範視頻是$40 HKD。
購買小虎學鋼琴1-3實體書(每本書售價$70港幣,如果您位於香港,運費和手續費為$20港幣),可以用"轉數快"付款到 kuromiroad@gmail.com,請send付款證明到 meipianosongs@gmail.com,實體書會以香港郵政郵寄至你的地址, 謝謝!
小虎學鋼琴1 Sample pages:
"小虎填色簿"已出版,有12款可愛的小虎繪圖,供小孩填上顏色。填色後的圖片可見於小虎學鋼琴系列書本。 (電子版 e-book $15 HKD)
Piano learning materials
I have been teaching piano for many years and have used various beginner textbooks and different series of books sold in the shops. These books are all good. The ones that I used when I was a child are still being used by many teachers, and there are many newer books on the market. But there is a problem. A lot of the songs are too boring! As a result, children can’t bear and they always complain that the songs are too boring. They like to skip around and only practice a few songs that they like, and they refuse to practice others.
In view of this, I decided to write some teaching materials suitable for beginners and let them play some beautiful melodies to make the process of learning the piano more fun. After all, playing the piano is also for self-entertainment, it is quite unbearable to learn some boring music.
I will continue to use the finger exercises books that I used when I was learning the piano, because history has proven that these exercises are useful. As for the songs, I will use the textbooks that I wrote along with a couple popular books on the market.
Other piano teachers are welcome to order for their students if they intend to use them. The following books are currently available for sale:
1. Little Tiger Learns the Piano 1
2. Little Tiger Learns the Piano 2
3. Little Tiger Learns the Piano 3
These are great piano exercises designed and arranged for the beginning pianist. These songs should be practiced by following the song order as they are arranged from the easiest to the more difficult. Each song provides a good practice for specific fingers. Good posture should be kept in mind and these songs should be practiced one by one, nice and slow, then gradually increase the tempo. Students should follow the suggested fingerings of the scores.
These are nursery rhymes, popular piano songs, classical music or Christmas songs arranged for easy piano playing, they are great practice exercises for both children and adult beginners who have little or no piano experience. Exercises don't have to be boring. Every song in the book has a beautiful melody which is loved by many people, it is an exercise but it is also fun to play. This book series is bilingual, written in Chinese and English.
Demonstration videos of the songs are available for purchase. Little Tiger Learns the Piano 1 videos: $30 HKD, Little Tiger Learns the Piano 2 videos: $35 HKD, Little Tiger Learns the Piano 3 videos: $40 HKD.
To purchase the physical book "Little Tiger Learns Piano 1-3" (each book is priced at HK$70, shipping and handling fee is $20 if you are located in Hong Kong), you can use "FPS" to pay to kuromiroad@gmail.com. Please send the payment certificate to meipianosongs@gmail.com. The physical book will be mailed to your address, thank you!
"Tiger coloring book" is also available. It includes 12 drawings of our cute little tiger appearing in different places. Children can have fun coloring these drawings. Some of the images are featured in this book series.